Looking for blackjack tournaments or want to know more about them? I once had the same desire and it has led me to the exciting opportunity of winning and playing for big money in an overwhelming, ever-changing, environment.
Blackjack tournaments are not as readily available as slots tournaments. This is largely because casinos do not want to give up the room in order to house a tournament of any great size. In order to do a proper blackjack tournament, the casino would have to give up a considerable amount of casino floor space, thus taking away from the profits that would regularly be generated. This is why you will find many blackjack tournaments during the week.
Tournaments that are offered through-out the week are at a lower cost, sometimes even free depending on the casino and tournament. Casinos even offer two or three day all expensed paid tournaments to loyal players that play at their casino. People may think that is crazy, but the casino knows it is not crazy because people are required to bring a friend or loved one, this is where the lost revenue is made up.
If your company decides to hit the tables or slots while you are in the tournament, it is estimated on average, they will spend about $100 a day. If they do that and the casino gets 400 entrants to the tournament, they stand to make a lot of money. Simple math tells us that they will gross, $400,000 minus there expenses for the tournament. Not much considering that, the prizes and cost might add up to $150,000.
Aside from free tournaments that are offered to special casino members, you, as a regular gambler, can play and buy into tournaments on multiple levels. Some entry fees are as low as $10 and some go up to as and even larger than $1000. Obviously the larger the buy-in, the larger the first place prize will be. The grand prizes in the larger tournaments are as large as $20,000. These tournaments can be found at high-class resort in Las Vegas, you can find a list of tournaments here (http://www.lasvegasadvisor.com/referenceguide-tournaments-home.cfm).
Before you sign up for or begin to play in these blackjack tournaments you will definitely want to know the rules. For instance, a minimum bet and maximum bet? How many rounds will be played and how long will they last? Tournaments that last a few days usually have a party planned, and even larger tournaments have an opening and closing party planned. I suggest that you find out ahead of time about all the details and times in order to make your experience the grandest, but do not assume anything and do not leave it up to the casino to fill you in on everything either.
Therefore, now that you have found out all of you information you are ready to register for the blackjack tournament of your choice. Some tournaments sign ups are the day of the particular event, but others require you to register days in advance. Again do not assume anything here and find out the proper information in order to make your time in Las Vegas or where ever you so chose to gamble a good one.